Student Support Services Policy & Procedure
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Student Support Services Policy & Procedure
1.0 Policy
1.1 The purpose of this policy is to outline how Australian Academy of Future Education Pty
Ltd T/A Australian College of Future Education intend to meet the regulatory requirements
relating to providing student support services to support needs of individual learners and
access to the educational and support services as per the clauses of the Standards for
Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015.
1.2 This policy ensures that all students are given support while studying with Australian
Academy of Future Education Pty Ltd T/A Australian College of Future Education. This
support includes both academic support and personal support and the following
procedures ensure that students are made aware of the support available.
1.3 Australian College of Future Education is committed to assisting students to complete their
studies through the provision of academic and welfare support.
Student support needs may concern (but are not limited to):
• language, literacy, and numeracy (LLN) issues
• disability
• digital literacy
• study assistance
• access
• cultural issues
• complaints and appeals
• personal circumstances
1.4 Student support needs are considered during the course development process by
assessing the needs of the proposed target group and ensuring that the proposed training
and assessment approach takes these needs into account.
1.5 As part of the enrolment process, Australian College of Future Education identifies
students’ suitability for the course, as well as their support needs.
1.6 Where support needs are identified, a Student Support Plan and Form is developed on
commencement of the student in the course and in collaboration with the student. The
Student Support Plan is regularly reviewed and adjusted as required.
1.7 Australian College of Future Education ensures that sufficient support staff are in place to
meet the needs of the enrolled students. Australian College of Future Education nominates
specific personnel for student support, the details of whom are provided to students.
1.8 There is no cost to access student support services provided within Australian College of
Future Education and there are also no costs for a referral to an external support service,
however accessing services outside Australian College of Future Education may incur costs
and should be clarified prior to engaging external support services.
1.9 A course-appropriate orientation is provided to students to assist them to adjust to
prepare for their studies. Australian College of Future Education conducts an age and
culturally sensitive Student Orientation Program to enrolled students to provide them with
the following, but not limited to, information:
a) About Australian College of Future Education
b) Legislative frameworks
c) Client Feedback
d) Offered qualifications or training programs
e) Credit Transfer
f) Recognition of Prior Learning
g) legal services
h) emergency and health services
i) facilities and resources
j) complaints and appeals processes; and
k) information relating to course progress and attendance.
l) Australian College of Future Education relevant policy and procedures including but not
limited to:
- Monitoring Student Academic Progress Policy and Procedures
- Critical Incident Policy and Procedures
- Extending Course Duration Enrolment Policy and Procedures
- Complaints and Appeals Policy and Procedures (and Intervention programs)
- Learning Management Systems Policy and Procedures
- Refund Policy and Procedures
m) Student’s rights and obligations
n) Australian College of Future Education rights and obligations
o) All information contained in the Student Information Handbook (copy to be provided to
them during the orientation program or to refer them Australian College of Future
Education’s website).
p) Study assistance
q) The support services available to the students
1.10 Support services provided by AUSTRALIAN COLLEGE OF FUTURE EDUCATION can include:
- Pre-enrolment materials
- one-to-one support from the trainer/assessor
- support with personal issues
access to additional learning resources
reasonable adjustment in assessment
learning resources centers
social events
buddy program
information about external sources of support.
Mediation services or referral to these services
Counselling services or referral to these services
IT Support
Any other services that AUSTRALIAN COLLEGE OF FUTURE EDUCATION considers
necessary to support learners to achieve competency.
1.11 Australian College of Future Education implements a critical incident policy and procedures
that cover the action to be taken in the event of a critical incident, the required follow-up
to the incident, the recording of the incident and the action taken.
Critical incidents include but not limited to:
- Missing students
- Severe verbal or psychological aggression
- Death, serious injury or any threat of these
- Natural disaster; and
- Issues such as domestic violence, sexual/physical assault, drug or alcohol abuse
- Non-life-threatening events
1.12 Australian College of Future Education will help students in accessing study support and
welfare-related services during the duration of their course.
1.13 Students will be provided with the Change of Personal Details form, which is also available
on the college website.
1.14 Australian College of Future Education surveys students about support services provided
and uses the feedback to improve services provided.
1.15 Resolution Department
Feel free to reach out if you have any complaints about our courses or college through this email address:
2.0 Procedure
Australian College of Future Education recognizes that the students’ personal, academic, social,
emotional, and mental well-being is crucial to completing their studies. Students are designated with
a Student Support Officer that they would be able to confide in regarding their concerns if they wish
The student Support Officer will also work closely with the trainer and RTO Manager to ensure that
the students are performing well in their studies. If there are signs of underperformance, the student
Support Officer will set an appointment with the student to discuss if they might have issues that are
affecting their studies.
The following are indicators for the Student Support Officer to initiate engagement with the student:
• Absence from lectures without valid reasons
• Frequently missed deadlines for assessment submission
• Marked NYS by the trainer on consecutive assessments
• Trainer's feedback to the student support team
1. Assess student support needs during the course development process
1.1 Consider the support needs of the target group for the course during the course
development process.
1.2 Review any feedback on support services that can inform support to be provided.
1.3 Document agreed support services for the course in the Training and Assessment Strategy
and Course Brochure.
1.4 Check Student Handbook and Orientation PowerPoint and update as required with the
identified student support services, including details of how to access for both internal and
external services.
1.5 Ensure all staff have access to up-to-date details of student support services.
2. Assess student support needs during the enrolment process
2.1 The Admissions Team and trainers review the Enrolment Form, LLN test and the Learner
Needs form to determine the types of potential needs/support required by the student prior
to the commencement. If a student needs support, the Student Services team organises a
consultation or meeting (phone/skype/ in person).
2.2 Discuss available support services with the student to identify the specific needs and to
develop a support plan to assist the student’s study goals.
2.3 Use the Student Support Plan form to document the student’s needs and how these will
be actioned.
2.4 Refer the student to external support services where the support need cannot be met.
3. Provide orientation
3.1 Organise the orientation for students prior to commencing their course or on the first
day of their course.
3.2 Conduct the orientation using the Orientation PowerPoints.
3.3 Answer all student questions.
4. Monitor student support needs
4.1 Regularly review the Student Support Plan to ensure actions are being implemented as
4.2 Adjust the Student Support Plan in consultation with the student as required.
4.3 At the conclusion of the student’s course or when the Student Support Plan is complete,
evaluate the effectiveness of the plan in consultation with the student.
4.4 Use the evaluation results to improve support services offered.
4.5 Regularly review external support services to check their details are the same as referred
to in the Student Handbook and Orientation PowerPoint and to enter in any new services.
Australian College of Future Education will offer following support and services to students:
1. Australian College of Future Education (AUSTRALIAN COLLEGE OF FUTURE EDUCATION) will
provide the students with Student Handbook, Student Prospectus, policies and procedures, work-
placement information (if applicable), facilities and resources available to the students to make
them informed decision.
2. Where required, Individual Support Plan for each Student or Applicant will be created, and this
may include:
a. additional one-on-one online session with Trainer and Assessor
b. reasonable adjustment if necessary for a student with learner support needs and
this be recorded in the individual support plan
c. reasonable adjustment if the student declares any disability and/or health
impairment and this be recorded in the individual support plan
d. External support or referral, depending on the needs of the student, may be to
improve their LLN skills or Foundation Skills or study skills or skills in relevant
component of the ICT, formal writing skills etc.
3. Australian College of Future Education may offer few options for eligible students to access
financial support to complete their course
4. First Nations students and students from diverse backgrounds will be provided with the
a. culturally appropriate and targeted orientation programs and support services for the duration
of their enrolment at Australian College of Future Education
b. If an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander student requires support or assistance with regards to
study or general matters, they may liaise directly with their trainer or contact the student
support team. Outside community services available include (but not limited to):
1. Aboriginal Counselling, VIC:
2. 13YARN [Thirteen YARN], Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander crisis support line
funded by the Australian Government. Phone 13 92 76
5. Australian College of Future Education will provide a detailed overview of the Individual Learning
Management System Portal to the students on the day of Orientation to make them familiar with it.
It will introduce the facilities to the students to familiarise with the resources that are available to
6. Australian College of Future Education may refer a student who requires to access legal
practitioner, the referral is at no cost to the student. Student would be responsible for any cost
related to the legal advice provided by the lawyers.
7. Australian College of Future Education is committed to a culture that embraces and fosters
diversity and inclusion. People from all social and cultural backgrounds will be equally treated and
due respect will be given to the traditional owners of the land, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
people. The college will endeavour to ensure all staff, students, and those with whom we interact
feel safe, respected, and valued for their diversity.
8. Student may seek to receive help if they have any concern with their mental wellbeing,
domestic violence, relationship problems, gambling, and alcohol problems. Australian College of
Future Education will endeavour to assist by providing the counselling services in all cases. However,
when Australian College of Future Education is unable to address any of the student concerns,
student will be directed to the external professional help and counselling.
Recommended External Support Agencies
1. Learning Difficulties Australia: Learning Difficulties Australia is an association of teachers and
other professionals dedicated to assisting students with learning difficulties through effective
teaching practices based on scientific research, both in the classroom and through individualised
2. Australian Council for Adult Literacy: The Australian Council for Adult Literacy promotes adult
literacy and numeracy policy and practice. The council exists to:
• provide leadership in Australian debate on adult literacy and numeracy practices and
• build understanding of adult literacy and numeracy issues
• advocate on behalf of equitable adult literacy and numeracy provision for all Australians
• build links between people, organisations and systems, the participants and stakeholders
in the adult literacy and numeracy field
• Work with other organisations on issues of mutual concern
3. Mind Spot: Mind Spot provides free, digital mental health services to adults across Australia via
telephone or online.
i) Their services include confidential psychological assessments and clinically proven
treatments. Their
ii) aim is to support people to learn more about their psychological health and learn skills
to become emotionally resilient. Phone: 1800 61 44 34
4. Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP): The Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP) can help
people to learn English. The AMEP provides free English lessons and childcare to eligible migrants
and refugees. The Adult Migrant English Program is funded by the Australian Government
Department of Home Affairs. There are lots of AMEP study options. Learners can study at a TAFE VIC
campus during the day or evening, on weekdays or in Saturday classes. TAFE VIC campuses also offer
some online classes. Learners can also study by distance learning and/or with a volunteer tutor
5. Australian Department of Human Services: The Department provides support, assistance and
guidance for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians who are studying or doing an
apprenticeship or traineeship including information on Other government and community support
6. – Indigenous Advancement Strategy
This website is designed to connect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with Australian
Government policies and programs and raise awareness about the initiatives that affect them most.
The Australian Government has made Indigenous Affairs a significant national priority. The
Indigenous Advancement Strategy (IAS) is the way in which the Australian Government funds and
delivers a range of programs targeting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and
7. Aboriginal Family Domestic Violence Hotline: Victims Services has a dedicated contact line for
Aboriginal victims of crime who would like information on victims' rights, how to access counselling
and financial assistance. Aboriginal Family Domestic Violence Hotline 1800 019 123
8. eHeadspace: eHeadspace is an online and telephone service the supports young people and their
families who are going through a tough time. You can drop by your nearest headspace centre or get
confidential support 7 days a week between 9am and 1am. eHeadspace 1800 650 890
9. 1800RESPECT: 24-hour national sexual assault, family and domestic violence counselling line for
any Australian who has experienced, or is at risk of, family and domestic violence and sexual assault.
1800RESPECT open 24/7 1800 737 732
10. Blue Knot Foundation: Telephone counselling for adult survivors of childhood trauma, their
friends, family and the health care professionals who support them Blue Knot Foundation open 9am
– 5pm 1300 657 380 Email
11. Relationships Australia: Support groups and counselling on relationships, and for abusive and
abused partners. Relationships Australia to be connected to the nearest Relationships Australia
branches. Call 1300 364 277
12. Disability Abuse and Neglect Hotline: An Australia-wide telephone hotline for reporting abuse
and neglect of people with disability. Disability Abuse and Neglect Hotline 1800 880 052 TTY 1800
301 130
13. Drugs and alcohol:
Alcoholics Anonymous 03 9799 1199
Family Drug Support 03 4782 9222, 1300 368 186
Narcotics Anonymous 03 9212 3444
14. Centrelink Financial Assistance: Centrelink can provide crisis payments and other support in
cases of domestic and family violence.
Find your local Centrelink office online –
Centrelink – help in an emergency – Monday-Friday 8am-5pm 132 850