Credit Transfer Policy and Procedure
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Credit Transfer Policy and Procedure
The purpose of this policy and procedure is to outline Australian Academy of Future Education Pty Ltd T/A
Australian College of Future Education approach to ensuring students are provided with credit for units of
competency and/or modules where they are evidenced by:
- AQF certification documentation issued by another RTO of AQF authorised issuing organisation such as a
university - Authenticated VET transcripts issued by the Registrar.
Course credit may also be awarded for RPL. Please refer to RPL Policy and Procedure for more information.
This complies with Clause 1.12 and 3.5 of the Standards of RTO 2015
AQF means Australian Qualifications Framework which can be accessed at
Certification document means a Testamur, Statement of Attainment or Record of Results
Credit means recognition of the previous studies a student has completed for the purpose of reducing the
units or modules required to be completed in their currently enrolled program
Course means any nationally recognised qualification, unit of competency, skill set or short course in which a
student is enrolled with the RTO
Record of Results is a record of all the units and modules completed and their results that lead to an AQF
qualification or VET Accredited Course being issued and is issued alongside an AQF qualification or
Statement of Attainment
Registrar means the Student Identifiers Registrar
RPL means Recognition of Prior Learning
SRTOs means the Standards for RTOs 2015 – refer definition of ‘Standards’
Standards means the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015 of the VET Quality
Framework which can be accessed from
Statement of Attainment confirms that one or more nationally recognised units or modules has been
achieved by an individual but is only used where there has been partial completion of a qualification or VET
accredited course
Testamur is an official certification document that confirms that an AQF qualification has been awarded to an
individual. This may be called an ‘award’, ‘qualification’ ‘parchment’, or ‘certificate’
1. Application for Credit
- All students undertaking nationally recognised training will be offered the opportunity to apply for
credit for previously completed studies. Students can apply for Credit by completing a Credit
Application Form, which can they download from the College’s website or request a copy by emailing
at and providing relevant supporting documents, including certified copies of
transcripts. This may include VET transcripts or extracts issued by the Student Identifiers Registrar. - All evidence provided as part of an application for Credit will be authenticated by Australian Academy
of Future Education Pty Ltd T/A Australian College of Future Education by contacting the issuing
organisation to confirm the details provided on the document are valid. In the case of transcripts
issued by the USI Registrar, documents will be authenticated through the USI Registry System. - Australian Academy of Future Education Pty Ltd T/A Australian College of Future Education will not
require any student to repeat any unit or module which they have already been assessed as
Competent unless there is a license condition or regulatory requirement that requires this.
2. Assessing Credit
- Where a student provides authenticated evidence of units or modules issued by another RTO or
authorised issuing organisation, Australian Academy of Future Education Pty Ltd T/A Australian
College of Future Education will provide Credit for that unit or module where it is a unit listed in the
student’s course of enrolment with Australian Academy of Future Education Pty Ltd T/A Australian
College of Future Education. - Where evidence has been provided of previous study being completed at another RTO, university or
other authorised issuing organisation, but the unit or module is not listed in the student’s course of
enrolment with Australian Academy of Future Education Pty Ltd T/A Australian College of Future
Education, an analysis as to the equivalence of the study completed with the units in the student’s
enrolment with Australian Academy of Future Education Pty Ltd T/A Australian College of Future
Education will be undertaken.
3. Credit application outcomes
- Students will be advised of the outcome of their Credit application in writing and will be required to
provide an acceptance of the credit awarded. - Where there are significant Credits granted, this may result in a reduction of the Course fees, which
will be advised at the same time. - The result of Credit Transfer will be recorded for any relevant units on the student management
system. - Students may appeal the decisions made about their Credit application by following the Complaints
and Appeals Policy & Procedures.
1. Issuing Credit