Qualification & Statement of Attainment Policy & Procedures

Qualification & Statement of Attainment Policy & Procedures

1.0 Policy

This Policy & Procedure has been designed to ensure that – Australian Academy of Future
Education Pty Ltd T/A Australian College of Future Education issues Qualifications and
Statements of Attainment in accordance with the clauses of the Standards for Registered
Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015 in conjunction with the Australian Qualification
Framework (AQF) requirements and updates.
The following procedures ensure that the required information and format is applied to all
Qualifications and Statements of Attainment issued.
All students will receive appropriate testamurs for the successful completion of any
nationally recognised training.

2.0 Procedure

2.1 Information to be included on Qualifications and Statements of Attainment

All Qualifications and Statements of Attainment issued by Australian College of Future
Education will comply with the requirements of the Australian Qualifications Framework
current at the date of the issuing of the Qualification or Statement of Attainment.
NRT Logo: Australian College of Future Education must include the Nationally Recognised
Training (NRT) logo on testamurs and statements of attainment. The NRT logo is not to be
used on the record of results.
For information on the NRT logo, see the: Nationally Recognised Training Logo specifications
guide: (www.asqa.gov.au/rto/responsibilities/qualifications-and-statements-attainment)
AQF Logo and words: Australian College of Future Education must include the AQF logo or
the words ‘The qualification is recognised within the Australian Qualifications Framework’
on a testamur. The AQF logo or words are not to be used on the record of results. The AQF
logo or words are not to be used on statements of attainment.
For information on the AQF logo, see the: Conditions of use of the Australian Qualifications
Framework Logo guide: (www.asqa.gov.au/rto/responsibilities/qualifications-and-

The RTO Manager is responsible for ensuring that Australian College of Future Education
maintains the most current version of the ‘AQF Handbook’ and that testamurs contain the
correct use of the NRT and AQF logos.

The Unique Student Identifier (USI): Students with a USI can access an online record and
comprehensive transcript of their VET certification achieved.
Unless exempt, Australian College of Future Education must only issue a qualification or
statement of attainment to a learner after:

  •  the learner has provided Australian College of Future Education with a USI, which
    has been verified by Australian College of Future Education, or
  •  Australian College of Future Education has applied for a USI on behalf of the learner.

More Information on USI can be found at https://www.usi.gov.au/
See ‘Appendix A’ and ‘Appendix B’ for Australian College of Future Education Qualification
and Statement of Attainment templates.

Issuing of Qualifications and Statements of Attainment


  •  Student who has completed all the required units of competency or modules (as
    specified in the training package qualification or accredited course) is entitled to
    receive both a testamur and a record of results.
  •  Certificates will be issued to students when they have been assessed as
    competent in the Units of Competency/competencies specified as being
    required for completion of the Qualification
  •  The Qualification certificate will be issued within 20 working days of the student
    completing all required units in the Qualification
  •  The Qualification certificate will also be supported by:
  •  A Record of Results. This document is not a Statement of Attainment, but will
    list the units of Competency that were undertaken as part of the
  •  A completion letters
  •  In case a student needs to request a certain qualification document, they need to
    fill out the ‘Credential Request and Clearance Form’. The requested document
    will be made available for the student to pick up within 10 working days.

Statement of Attainment:

  •  Statements of Attainment (SOA) will be issued to students when they withdraw
    or cancel their enrolment in a Qualification. A statement of attainment should
    only be issued upon a student’s exit from a training program, whether the
    student has completed the full program or not. It should not be issued as an
    interim progress statement to a student who is continuing the same
    qualification or course.
  •  The Statement of Attainment will be issued within 20 working days of the RTO
    becoming aware of the student’s withdrawal or cancellation
  •  A Statement of Attainment will normally consist of a single page; however, it
    may run on to a further page (the back of the document) where there is a long
    list of competencies.

Quality Control and Record Keeping

Prior to printing a Qualification or Statement of Attainment the following steps must be

Step 1 (Records)

Once the student has completed the last unit of study, a request for final results is sent by the Records Officer to the trainer on the 12th day from completion date.

Step 2 (Trainer)

Before providing the requested results and documents, the Trainer checks all assessments/ paperwork and ensures that they have been entirely and accurately filled and signed. The trainer provides requested results along with physical evidences (maked assessments) to the Records Officer by the 14th day from completion of the last unit.

Step 3 (Records)

Final results are updated by the Records Officer on the 15th Day and the Credentials/ Qualifications are printed after checking that the student has successfully met the requirement for entitlement to Qualification, within three working days.

Credential Issue Register with the name of students whose Credentials/ Qualifications have been printed, is sent to the Accounts Department by the Records Officer to check whether the due amount of fees has been paid by the student or not.

Step 4 (Accounts)

Accounts staff member checks the outstanding fee and if clear, signs off and sends it back to the Records Officer. If there is fee due, accounts staff communicates with the student to clear the outstanding fee and sort the matter to grant the sign off.

Step 5 (Administration)

The Records Officer then sends all the Credentials/ Qualifications to the Admin Manager, along with the updated Credential Issue Register. The Admin Manager performs a final check of the Credentials/Qualifications and cross checks the Credential Issue Register. After making sure that all requiremnts have been met, Credentials/Qualifications are handed over to the Student Support Officer,.

Step 6 (Administration)

The Student Support Officer performs a final check on the student’s USI and asks them to complete the AQTF survey and then pick up their credentials.

Reissuing Qualifications and Statements of Attainment

  •  A student wanting to request a duplicate Qualification or Statement of Attainment
    should complete student request form in writing and submit to the reception.
  •  Prior to re-issue, all Qualifications/ Credentials or Statements of Attainment must be
    approved by the RTO/Admin Manager.
  •  All reissue copies are to be issued within 2 weeks from receipt of payment as per the
    fees and refund policy of Australian College of Future Education
  •  The written request and copy of duplicate Qualification or Statement of Attainment will
    be filed with the original client record.

Appendix A: Qualification (front side)

Australian Academy of Future Education Pty Ltd ,
T/A Australian College of Future Education

This is to certify that

«Client First Name» «Client Middle Name» «Client Last Name»

has fulfilled the requirements for
«Course Code»
«Course Desc»

Dated: «COR Actual End Date»
Credential Number: «Credential Number»


Australian Academy of Future Education Pty Ltd T/A Australian College of Future Education

RTO Address: Level 12,190 Queen Street, Melbourne 3000
Phone: 1300070757 | Email: info@acofe.edu.au|Website: www.acofe.edu.au

Australian Academy of Future Education Pty Ltd T/A Australian College of Future Education

Record of Results

Student Name: «Client First Name» «Client Middle Name» «Client Last Name»
Student Number: «Client RefExternal»
Qualification / Course: «Course Code» – «Course Desc»
Start Date: «COR Start Date»
End Date: «COR Actual End Date»

Unit of Competency and Code or Module Title and Code Results

«TableStart:AU_Credential_AllUnits» «Unit Code» «Unit Desc»


Key to Results: C: Competent, RPL: Recognition of Prior Learning, RCC: Recognition of

Current Competency,

CT: Credit Transfer, NYC: Not Yet Competent W: Cancel/Withdrawn
«Credential Date»

Date Authorized

Sunil Kumar


Issued without alteration or erasure on data issued

Australian Academy of Future Education Pty Ltd T/A Australian College of Future Education

RTO Address: Level 12,190 Queen Street, Melbourne 3000
Phone: 1300070757 | Email: info@acofe.edu.au|Website: www.acofe.edu.au

«TableStart:AU_Credential_Main» ,
Australian Academy of Future Education Pty Ltd T/A Australian College of Future Education

Statement of Attainment
This is a statement that

«Client First Name» «Client Middle Name» «Client Last Name»

has attained

Unit Code

Unit Description


«Unit Desc»«TableEnd:AU_Credential_CompletedUnits»

These competencies form part of the,Br> «Course Code» «Course Desc»

Dated: «COR Actual End Date»
Credential Number: «Credential Number»
Sunil Kumar

Australian Academy of Future Education Pty Ltd T/A Australian College of Future Education

RTO Address: Level 12,190 Queen Street, Melbourne 3000
Phone: 1300070757 | Email: info@acofe.edu.au|Website: www.acofe.edu.au

A statement of attainment is issued by a registered training organization when
an individual has completed one or more accredited units


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