Policies & Procedures at Acofe.edu.au (RTO Code: 46240)

Australian Academy of Future Education Pty Ltd T/A Australian College of Future Education

Student Induction Program

In Case of Emergency

• Remain Calm
• Pick up your personal belongings and prepare to evacuate
• Follow our staff directions
• Don’t use elevator, use the stairs
• Go to your nearest exit
• If required, call 000

Australian College of Future Education (ACOFE) Student Support Officer (SSO) is pleased to welcome you! Our primary goal is to provide you with the information and tools you need to explore ACOFE.

This session will be filled with important information about the 

Student Support and the College, including important updates about tasks you’ll need to complete before arriving on campus.

We hope you will enjoy this journey with us

Getting Around

Located in the heart of Melbourne CBD, ACOFE is easy to reach by public transport. A 7-minute walk from Flinders Street Station, 2-minute walk from multiple tram stops and bus stop right in front of the building.

Melbourne’s public transport is the easiest and best way to get around the city.

More info: www.ptv.vic.gov.au


  • ACOFE Policy & Procedures
  • OH&S
  • Student responsibilities and obligations
  • Student Support Services
  • USI : Unique Student Identifier

Other Legislations For more information, please refer to the

For more information, please refer to the
Student Information Handbook that you will
find on our website: insert web address

Student Induction Requirements

All students must complete an induction before commencing at ACOFE. At the end of the
Induction everyone MUST have:
• A completed Student Feedback Form
• USI Number confirmation if not provided before
• Taken a Photo for a Student ID Card
• Ensure that you have received Wisenet Invitation by email
• Meet all pre-requisite conditions of your course applied at the time of enrolment.

The student will not be able to commence their studies until all the above are completed.

Communication and Course Enrollment

As a college, we require timely communication with our students to ensure successful course completion. If we send you a warning email or letter (green, yellow, or red) and do not receive a response within 24 hours, we reserve the right to cancel your course enrollment.

Important: If your course enrollment is cancelled or suspended, you will be required to restart the course from the beginning if you wish to re-enroll. No prior progress will be retained. Therefore, it is crucial to respond to our emails promptly to avoid any disruptions to your studies.

Student Handbook

As a current student and new enrolled student, you need to read Student Information Handbook for details of your enrolment and the college’s policies and procedures. This handbook includes detailed information about the issues you must be aware of, such as monitoring course progress and attendance, withdrawal, Student support, complaints and appeal etc. Understanding the Student Handbook is important part of your orientation process. 

Student Handbook is given to you at the time of your application. A copy will be again given to you today to read and understand it carefully. It can also be accessible anytime from our website www.acofe.edu.au or you can ask our friendly staff at the reception anytime during our business hours to obtain a copy.

Policies and Procedures

Below are the list of selected Policies and Procedures that we will explain today in detail: 

  • Course Evaluation (Training and Assessment)
  • Student Support Services Policy & Procedures
  • Meeting Individual Needs Policy and Procedure
  • Fees and Refund Policy and Procedure
  • Complaints and appeal policy and procedure 
  • Collecting Feedbacks for Quality Indicators Policy & Procedures
  • Credit Transfer and RPL Policy and Procedure
  • Qualifications & Statement of Attainment Policy & Procedure
  • Student Misconduct and Plagiarism Policy and Procedures
  • LLN Support where required as per your individual LLN assessment
  • Privacy Policy

ACOFE Policies and Procedures

For all the Policies and Procedures, please check our website


or refer to your Student Handbook or ask our friendly staff 

at the Reception

OHS (Occupational Health and Safety)

The primary goal is to: 

  • Ensure college protects its students 
  • Sustain high morale 
  • Comply with legal requirements
  • Duty of care towards smoking and alcohol consumption
  • Access toilets and kitchen
  • Guide through classrooms & reception 
  • Mobile and internet usage

OHS (Occupational Health and Safety)

All theory-based delivery will occur in designated ACOFE classrooms through structured training sessions by a qualified Trainer. Students may also be required to undertake practical activities relating to course content and some reading and written work outside of scheduled classroom delivery time The assessments may include theory and practical tasks and will be clearly documented to ensure consistency of all assessments.
structured training sessions

Misconduct and Plagiarism

In a study environment, cheating means to act dishonestly in any way so that the assessor of the work accepts what you present as genuinely representing your understanding of, and ability in, the subject concerned.

Plagiarism is to copy work without acknowledging the source and is a form of cheating.

ACOFE will not tolerate plagiarism or cheating. 

For further reference, please follow our “Student Misconduct and Plagiarism Policy & Procedures”


Where students have been identified as at risk of not meeting course progress/attendance requirements, all possible efforts will be made to ensure that students are given the opportunity to rectify their position.
The Intervention Strategy will be developed in consultation with the students and the course coordinator.

Other costs may include

  • Reassessment charges
  • Repeat unit charges
  • Recognition of prior learning (RPL) charges
  • Reissuance of certificates and transcripts charges

Certificates and Statements of Attainment

Requirements & Conditions:

  • All units have been confirmed to be Competent
  • All fees are Paid in Full
  • USI number has been created and verified
  • Student can collect their Certificate after 30 calendar days of their course end date.

Complaints and Appeals


  • Submit the complaint / appeal form on support@acofe.edu.au.
  • Student enrolment must be maintained while student is accessing the process
  • Student has the right to present their case accompanied by a support person if they wish
  • The procedure will commence within 5 working days of the formal lodgment of the complaint or appeal. 
  • Student will be given a written notice as to the decision
  • For further reference, please follow our “Complaints and Appeals Policy and Procedure”

The purpose of this policy is to resolve any difficulties or disagreements as soon as possible and at no cost to the student

Student Responsibilities

Students are required to act in a non-discriminatory manner at all times and respect the rights of other students, staff and visitors.
Students are also required to adhere to academic rules and regulations as directed by ACOFE or its representatives

Student Responsibilities

• Treat other students and college staff with respect and fairness
• Follow any reasonable direction from a member of ACOFE
• Refrain from swearing, drinking and eating in classrooms and other learning areas
• Behave responsibly by not littering, harassing fellow students or staff, damaging,
stealing, modifying or misusing the ACOFE’s or other student’s property
• Behave responsibly by not being under the influence of drugs and alcohol

Other Legislations

Some Industry legislation that may be involved in the delivery of the QUALIFICATIONS:

  • Equal opportunity legislation
  • Anti-discrimination and diversity legislation
  • Privacy 
  • Environmental legislation
  • Legislation in regard to Intellectual Property

Unique Student Identifier (USI)

Unique Student Identifier

For more information

Visit our website: 


or contact Student Support Officer email 


Monday to Friday from 9:00am – 5:00pm

Thank you !

Any questions ?

call us