Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) Policy and Procedure
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Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) Policy and Procedure
This policy and procedure supports Standards for Registered Training Organisations 2015 (the Standards)
Clause 1.7, 5.4 and 6.1 to 6.6 and ensures that Australian Academy of Future Education Pty Ltd T/A Australian
College of Future Education trainers can identify Language Literacy & Numeracy (LLN) skill levels and assist
students with LLN skill needs, in order to provide them with assistance to complete their learning and
assessment requirements, when attending Australian Academy of Future Education Pty Ltd T/A Australian
College of Future Education Courses. Connecting LLN to a student’s core VET program enables the student to
address their gap LLN skills in a meaningful and relevant context.
This policy exists in conjunction with other Australian Academy of Future Education Pty Ltd T/A Australian
College of Future Education enrolment policies which are Pre-Enrolment Policy and Procedures, Student
Enrolment Policy and Procedure and Student Support Services Policy and Procedure
Australian Academy of Future Education Pty Ltd T/A Australian College of Future Education recognizes the
importance of basic skills in English language, literacy, and numeracy (LLN) for students in being able to
participate actively and effectively in any course of study. Improving basic skills will assist in breaking down
barriers for students in communicating with their trainers, peers and in the workplace. Australian Academy of
Future Education Pty Ltd T/A Australian College of Future Education’s LLN Policy and Procedure sets out the
framework for integration of LLN within Australian Academy of Future Education Pty Ltd T/A Australian College
of Future Education and provides guidance to the institute on its implementation and monitoring. It also
reflects the expectations and responsibilities of staff and its students. To achieve this, Australian Academy of
Future Education Pty Ltd T/A Australian College of Future Education will ensure that all participants enrolled in
our vocational training courses are given the opportunity to learn based on their individual competencies in
LLN identified by an LLN assessment.
This policy and its procedure are specifically focused on LLN and apply to all students including potential
students enrolled or seeking to enroll in a VET course of study with Australian Academy of Future Education
Pty Ltd T/A Australian College of Future Education.
Australian Academy of Future Education Pty Ltd T/A Australian College of Future Education’s Policy and
Procedure is communicated to students at the time of course enquiry, course application or enrolment stage
and information relating to this policy forms part of the Student Handbook.
Australian Academy of Future Education Pty Ltd T/A Australian College of Future Education recognises the
importance of basic skills in English language, literacy, and numeracy (LLN) for students in being able to
participate actively and effectively in any course of study. Improving basic skills will assist in breaking down
barriers for students in communicating with their trainers, peers and in the workplace.
To achieve this, college will ensure that all participants enrolled in our vocational training courses are given the
opportunity to learn based on their individual competencies in LLN identified by an LLN assessment test. We
recognise that not all individuals have the same skills-set in reading, writing and performing calculations.
Trainers and staff will endeavour to help and accommodate participants with difficulties in Language, Literacy
or Numeracy
Australian Academy of Future Education Pty Ltd T/A Australian College of Future Education promotes the LLN
Policy to students at initial enquiry and before their respective course commences. Student Support Officers
advise students of the availability of the support services for those with LLN problems. It is ensured that
trainers and assessors identify students with LLN problems as this will allow them to implement appropriate
strategies to assist them with their learning. LLN issues are considered during development of training courses
and assessment tools. Steps are taken to provide relevant staff the opportunities for professional development
and publications for continued awareness of and competence with regard to LLN requirements.
Access & Equity
Australian Academy of Future Education Pty Ltd T/A Australian College of Future Education does not
discriminate against students or potential students who have been identified as having low LLN skills.
However, a recommendation may be made that the student participate in further skill development prior to
Ultimately it is the choice of the participant as to whether or not they proceed with the enrolment. In a
situation where it is not possible to meet the students LLN needs, Australian Academy of Future Education Pty
Ltd T/A Australian College of Future Education will offer the student to change the relevant course as per their
capabilities or will provide the participant with a refund or a credit toward participating in a Australian
Academy of Future Education Pty Ltd T/A Australian College of Future Education course at a later date.
All information relating to Students regarding LLN will be treated as confidential and in accordance with
Australian Academy of Future Education Pty Ltd T/A Australian College of Future Education’s Privacy Policy.
1.0 Identification of student abilities and requirement for additional support
Needs Identification – To maximise student’s ability to meet course requirements, identification of training
needs is to be undertaken using LLN competencies.
The process used at Australian Academy of Future Education Pty Ltd T/A Australian College of Future
Education is two-fold, comprising of:
- a review of the contents of the pre- enrolment form and application form;
- an LLN assessment:
The purpose of the pre-enrolment form and the application form is to obtain any information about previous
education, disabilities, LLN abilities. The information obtained in these two processes is to determine:
• the appropriateness of Australian Academy of Future Education Pty Ltd T/A Australian College of
Future Education’s course for the individual’s own goals and aspirations
• the individual’s skills in English reading, writing, learning, oral communication and numeracy
• any relevant disabilities that need to be considered when the individual participates in the course.
The aim of the LLN assessment is to ensure that the learning needs of participants are confirmed prior to
commencement of the training, and where a minimum entry level has been set for LLN levels (as specified in
the Training and Assessment Strategy), this has been met. If we can identify any participant with additional
needs, we can then ensure that the support can be provided either by Australian Academy of Future Education
Pty Ltd T/A Australian College of Future Education or via referral to external services and resources.
Australian Academy of Future Education Pty Ltd T/A Australian College of Future Education endeavours to
establish students’ LLN needs, prior to course commencement. Australian Academy of Future Education Pty
Ltd T/A Australian College of Future Education analyses these needs and provides a strategy for assistance
(where required) through Additional Support Form.
Australian Academy of Future Education Pty Ltd T/A Australian College of Future Education provides a range of
learning support options and resources to help students achieve competency, such as:
- Language Assistance
- Additional tutoring/study group
- Personal Counselling
- Academic Skills Support
- Increased Monitoring
- Special Learning Needs
- Change of Proficiency level
- Placement in more appropriate level/course
- Conversation Learning goals
- Referral to external support services
- Provision of skill development resources
Where it is not possible to meet the students LLN needs, Australian Academy of Future Education Pty Ltd T/A
Australian College of Future Education will offer the student the opportunity to change the course as per their
capabilities or will provide the participant with a refund or a credit toward participating in a Australian
Academy of Future Education Pty Ltd T/A Australian College of Future Education course at a later date.
2.0 Procedure
The LLN Assessor Guide should be read in conjunction with the following:
- This policy and procedure
- Assessor’s Guide to the Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF) -This provides guidance on marking
LLNs - Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF)
- Guidance on the core skills included in the framework (reading, writing, learning, numeracy, oral
communication). - The Australian Academy of Future Education Pty Ltd T/A Australian College of Future Education
Course ACSF Profiles
There is one document for each VET qualification, laying out the performance level of each unit of
competency delivered as part of the qualification.
Note – as each unit of competency is individual the lowest for the qualification is the overall minimum
performance level for the qualification. Students at this ACSF level for one or more core skills may be
considered suitable for the course.
Instructions for the test
All students are asked to complete the language, literacy and numeracy assessment prior to entry into a
Test will be conducted online through Moodle. The student may use a calculator, but it is not required and
may use additional paper so they can draft their responses elsewhere if required. Completion of the test
should be supervised.
Some questions are harder than others. Students should answer all questions to the best of their ability. If they
can’t answer a question, they can move to the next one.
In order to determine the student’s oral communication skills, you will need to ask the student the questions
listed in the ‘Oral communication’ section. Record the details of the conversation and your observations of the
student’s oral communication skills in the table provided at the end of the student’s LLN Assessment booklet.
Marking the LLN Assessment
If a student presents with the expected minimum performance level in all of the core skills but one (which is
lower), and the assessor deems that the RTO has appropriate mechanisms to support the student in the
development of this skill, then the learner can be accepted into the course. A support strategy will need to be
put in place to support this learner during their enrolment.
Some learners will present for enrolment with core skill levels that are more than one ACSF level lower than
what’s required of the overall minimum performance level in a number of the core skills. In this instance it may
be appropriate to refer the learner to a preparatory foundation skills course first that could then lead to them
enrolling in the course.
Additional Support Form for supporting the development of foundation core skills during the course should be
put in place where the assessor identifies that a student requires support within a particular area, and the RTO
is able to provide this support.
Examples of situations where an Additional Support Form should be put in place:
- If a student presented with the overall minimum performance level for the qualification in all of the
core skills, except one or two. - If a student was presented with the overall minimum performance level for the qualification in three
of the core skills, a level higher in one of the core skills and level lower in an another core skill.
Examples of situations where a student should be recommended to develop their skills further prior to
commencement: - A student’s test shows that they are a level lower than the overall minimum performance level for the
qualification for all of the core skills. - A student’s test shows they are at a level of 2 or less in the majority of the core skills.
Where required complete the Additional Support Form and provide a copy to: - The student
- The trainer/assessor
- Student Support Officers
The original document is to be kept securely on the student file.
It is the responsibility of the CEO to ensure any actions per the Support Form are completed (may include
assigning tasks to student support officers), and to review the plan after one, three and five months, by
meeting with the student and trainer/assessor to discuss the efficacy of actions undertaken and recording
these in the Additional Support Form under reviews.
3.0 Confidentiality
All information relating to participants gathered during needs identification, training and evaluation will be
stored securely in the student academic file and remain confidential.