Enrolment Policy and Procedure
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Enrolment Policy and Procedure
The purpose of this policy is to outline how Australian Academy of Future Education Pty Ltd T/A Australian
College of Future Education intend to meet the regulatory requirements relating to the enrolment of students
as per the following clauses of the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015: –
Clause 5.1
Prior to enrolment or the commencement of training and assessment, whichever comes first, the RTO
provides advice to the prospective learner about the training product appropriate to meeting the learner’s
needs, taking into account the individual’s existing skills and competencies.
Clause 5.2
Prior to enrolment or the commencement of training and assessment, whichever comes first, the RTO
provides, an electronic copy, current and accurate information that enables the learner to make informed
decisions about undertaking training with the RTO and at a minimum the following content:
a) the code, title and currency of the training product to which the learner is to be enrolled, as published
on the national register
b) the training and assessment, and related educational and support services the RTO will provide to the
learner including the:
i. estimated duration
ii. expected locations at which it will be provided
iii. expected modes of delivery
iv. name and contact details of any third party that will provide training and/or assessment, and
related educational and support services to the learner on the RTO’s behalf
v. any work placement arrangements.
c) the RTO’s obligations to the learner, including that the RTO is responsible for the quality of the
training and assessment in compliance with these Standards, and for the issuance of the AQF
[Australian Qualifications Framework] certification documentation
d) the learner’s rights, including:
i. details of the RTO’s complaints and appeals process required by Standard 6
ii. if the RTO, or a third-party delivering training and assessment on its behalf, closes or ceases
to deliver any part of the training product that the learner is enrolled in.
e) the learner’s obligations:
i. in relation to the repayment of any debt to be incurred under the VET [Vocational Education
and Training] FEE-HELP scheme arising from the provision of services
ii. any requirements the RTO requires the learner to meet to enter and successfully complete
their chosen training product
iii. any materials and equipment that the learner must provide
f) information on the implications for the learner of government training entitlements and subsidy
arrangements in relation to the delivery of the services.
Clause 5.3
Where the RTO collects fees from the individual learner, either directly or through a third party, the RTO
provides or directs the learner to information prior to enrolment or the commencement of training and
assessment, whichever comes first, specifying:
a) all relevant fee information including:
i. fees that must be paid to the RTO
ii. payment terms and conditions including deposits and refunds.
b) the learner’s rights as a consumer, including but not limited to any statutory cooling-off period, if one
c) the learner’s right to obtain a refund for services not provided by the RTO in the event the:
i. arrangement is terminated early
ii. the RTO fails to provide the agreed services.
This policy applies to all staff involved in the recruitment and enrolment of students.
1. Information to Clients
1.1. Prior to enrolment each client is provided with access to a Student Handbook, Course Information,
and client policies.
2. Enrolment of Individual Clients
2.1. Enrolment into training programs will be conducted at all times in an ethical and responsible manner,
ensuring fairness and compliance with the Australian Academy of Future Education Pty Ltd T/A
Australian College of Future Education Access & Equity Policy.
2.2. Enrolments are subject to availability of places on the training program, based on the maximum
number of clients who can be accommodated under the particular circumstances (e.g. safety,
capacity of training venue, type of course, learning structures etc. within program).
2.3. All prospective clients will be provided with information regarding the RTO and its course, in
accordance with Australian Academy of Future Education Pty Ltd T/A Australian College of Future
Education Client Information Policy.
2.4. Australian Academy of Future Education Pty Ltd T/A Australian College of Future Education will
review the individual needs of each prospective client, taking into account their existing skills and
competencies, advising them of the most appropriate training product to meet their needs.
2.5. If a training program is fully booked at the time a client enquires about enrolment into that particular
training program they will either be placed on a ‘Wait List’ or offered a place on another date that the
program has been scheduled, which is not fully booked.
2.6. Clients on the ‘Wait List’ are given priority should a place become available. This is strictly on a first-
in, first-served basis.
2.7. Enrolments will be considered tentative until payment and the Student Identifier has been received.
Should enrolment numbers reach maximum, and another person wishes to enrol on a course where
there is a tentative enrolment. The tentative booking will be contacted to confirm payment. If
payment is not made the place will be given to the new client.
2.8. All Clients enrolled on courses are advised in writing, upon receipt of their enrolment form and
payment, that their place on the course is confirmed.
2.9. Course fees are payable in advance (subject to Financial Management Policy – Course Fees).
3. Identifying Client Support Needs
3.1. Clients intending to enrol for training are requested, to advise of any physical or other impairments/
needs (e.g. English language difficulties, dyslexia) which may adversely affect their ability to
successfully undertake the training.
3.2. Clients intending to enrol for training are assessed on their language, literacy and numeracy abilities
to determine their capability to successfully undertake the training and determine whether any
additional support is needed.
4. USI
4.1. All clients are required to provide their unique Student Identifier, in accordance with requirements of
Student Identifier Act.
4.2. Students will be advised on the process of obtaining a Student Identifier if they do not already have
one, via http://www.usi.gov.au/Pages/default.aspx
4.3. Australian Academy of Future Education Pty Ltd T/A Australian College of Future Education will
verify and maintain all Student Identifier numbers in its Student Management System (SMS).
5. Changes to Training and Assessment
5.1. Any changes to a training program, services or third party provider will be advised to clients, as soon
as possible prior to the date the change is to occur.
6. Cancellation of Courses and Refunds
6.1. It is NOT Australian Academy of Future Education Pty Ltd T/A Australian College of Future Education
normal policy to cancel scheduled training programs.
6.2. However, if for some unforeseen reason a course is cancelled or postponed, all clients will be offered
the opportunity to attend the training program on another date, at another location (if available), or in
another delivery mode.
6.3. If, in the event that the client does not accept the offer, or for some reason the offer cannot be made,
the course fees will be refunded in full within one week of the date of the cancellation of the course.
(See Refund Policy)
6.4. If a student is nonresponsive to college communications for thirty (30) days then Australian Academy
of Future Education Pty Ltd T/A Australian College of Future Education has the right to withdraw
7. Enrolment Changes
7.1. Defer Enrolment – Clients are able to transfer to another course date, providing they make a request
in writing a minimum of one week in advance.
7.2. Course Withdrawal – Clients are able to withdraw from their course, anytime they wish (see
Refund/Cancellation Policy).
7.3. Transfer to another “Course” – Should a client wish to transfer to another course, they need to make
the request in writing a minimum of one week in advance. The transfer is subject to course
availability. Transferring to another course is subject to cancellation/withdrawal in the enrolled course
and charges apply (see Refund/Cancellation Policy).
8. Client Record of Enrolment
8.1. Australian Academy of Future Education Pty Ltd T/A Australian College of Future Education is
obligated to report all enrolments, in compliance with national reporting requirements. (See
Management of RTO Policy)
8.2. Individual client records are created for each enrolment and maintained for a period of 30 years.
(See Records Policy)
8.3. All individual clients have access to their own records, and the progress of their learning. This is
enabled through the student management system. (See Records Policy)
New Enrolments
1. Initial Enquiry
Dedicated Student Support Helpline number or email info@acofe.edu.au
1.2. Provide course information to the client by:
1.2.1. Referring a client to the website.
1.2.2. Post/fax or email.
1.2.3. Sending student handbook and course information
1.3. Create a record of the enquiry on CRM / SMS/Enquiry Diary
RTO Manager
1.4. Arrange a phone call or zoom session with the student. Follow the Induction Form to counsel the
1.5. Provide the Student Handbook and course information.
1.6. Highlight the key information about the course: Course structure, content, assessment,
certification, fee and payment options, refund, etc.
1.7. Check to ensure whether each information of the Induction checklist is discussed and briefed with
the client.
1.8. Allow the enough time to client to ask any further information needed and any clarify any issues
that are still not clear
1.9. Sign and date the Induction form
1.10. Handover the Induction Form to the Admin Officer.
2. Follow Up of Initial Enquiry
a. Contact all initial enquiries within one (1) week, attempt to confirm enrolment.
RTO Manager
b. Remind the Admin to contact all the initial enquiries within one (1) week and update the enrolment
3. Processing Course Enrolments
a. Receive the Induction Checklist from RTO Manager. Ask the student to sign and send us the
induction checklist via email.
b. Request the client to complete the ‘Enrolment form’ which can be downloaded from the website, fill
and save it and send it by email at info@acofe.edu.au, including language, literacy, and numeracy
(LLN) test. Advise that the LLN test must be completed by themselves without others’ assistance.
c. Determine if the client meets the minimum eligibility for the course.
d. Ask whether the client has any previous VET qualification,
e. Request a copy of previous VET qualification if applicable
f. Determine any possibility of the Credit Transfer and hand in the Credit Transfer Form if applicable.
g. Request the student to provide access to Australian Academy of Future Education Pty Ltd T/A
Australian College of Future Education to the USI registry (see USI Access Guideline).
h. Inform the Trainer/Assessor/RTO Manager about any Credit Transfer applications.
i. Ensure to receive at least two forms of ID.
j. Forward the completed application to the trainer/assessor/RTO Manager for enrolment approval,
LLN Assessment, and Credit Transfer approval.
4. Recognition and LLN Assessment
Trainer / Assessor
a. See the LLN test of the client and provide the feedback
i. Satisfactory: Can proceed with the training
ii. Satisfactory but needs to improve in a specific area: If so, please provide a comment on
what additional support is needed
iii. Not Satisfactory: Provide the comment why not satisfactory and why cannot continue the
b. Review the Credit Transfer application if there is,
i. Check the application
ii. Ensure the Unit Code Unit Name, and evidence supplied
iii. Verify the evidence received by the student with the issuing RTO or via the USI Registry
iv. Request the CEO for access to the USI registry if it is to verify through the US registry.
v. If applicable, Verify the Credit Transfer units and provide the assessment outcome.
vi. Sign the Credit Transfer Form
c. Handover the Enrolment Form to the Admin
5. Finalising Enrolment
a. Ensure to receive two forms of ID, as advised in the enrolment information.
b. Check to see if client details are on SMS (if applicable)
c. All client enrolments are processed through SMS, so process the enrolment in SMS.
d. Enter the AVETMISS data if the client has not applied himself/herself in SMS.
e. Verify the data if the client has applied directly to the SMS.
f. Approve the enrolment and generate the student ID
g. Ensure the USI has been recorded in the SMS
h. Enrol into the units of the course enrolled
i. Create the payment schedule, raise an invoice, and process the payment.
j. Take the payment and ensure to give a copy of the invoice and receipt to the client.
k. Create a client file (See ‘Records Management Procedures’ for details).
l. Hand in relevant course materials to the client, send an email (using the template), and provide
access to all the course materials.
m. Store all the documents in the newly created client file.
n. Notify the trainer/assessor of the necessary planning of the course delivery.
Student Withdrawal / Deferral / Amendment
6. Application to Withdraw/ defer/ amend enrolment
a. Student completes ‘Course Withdrawal/Amend Form’ on the website or sends an email to
b. Student mentions the course withdrawal/amendment and the reason for doing it.
c. Reviews the course withdrawal/amendment request and checks the feasibility and
completeness of the request.
d. Communicates with the student about the refund process and application for a refund, if
applicable (see Refund Policy)
e. Collects the refund request (see Refund Procedures)
f. Forwards the request to RTO Manager for approval/ authorisation.
g. Includes the confirmation of the course fee payments, and bank details of the client to the
applicable refund.
7. Authorisation
RTO Manager
a. Reviews ‘Course Withdrawal/Amend Form’ request.
b. Determines whether the application is approved.
c. For the cancellation/refund, determines the refund amount (where applicable)
8. Processing Withdraw/ deferral / amend enrolment request
a. Make relevant changes in SMS – cancellation of the course and unit enrolment.
b. Make relevant notification on client file.
c. Cancels the course status if the request was withdrawal.
d. Contact client to advise outcome.
e. Makes the refund payment to the client if the refund was applicable.
f. Receive the payment for the necessary charges (if any) as indicated in the request form, in
case of amendment/deferral
g. Provide/revoke client’s relevant materials /logins (as applicable)